We’re Reopening!


The last few months have been strange, to say the least. The COVID-19 pandemic has turned our lives upside down and we’ve all had to adjust to a new normal. For us, that meant closing our doors and staying home to help keep everyone safe. The hardest part of this has been missing out on simply being together as a crafting community.

Needless to say, we were very excited to find out that Cumberland county would be moving into the commonwealth’s yellow phase this Friday, May 22nd. This means we can reopen, albeit with restrictions, and start stitching our community back together. We know you’re excited too and can’t wait to get your hands on some good, yarny squishiness!

Until Cumberland county is moved into the green phase, the following restrictions will be in place:

  • You must wear a face mask covering your nose and mouth at all times while in the shop.
  • Upon entering the shop, you must use the supplied hand sanitizer. Yarn is a soft surface that can easily hold on to virus particles for extended periods of time, and by using sanitizer you are preventing the possible spread of the virus to others.
  • While shopping, please maintain a distance of at least 6 feet from other individuals.
  • The shop will be limited to a maximum of 8 customers at once. This will help ensure that you have enough space to keep 6 feet apart from other customers while shopping.
  • There will be no stitch gatherings. There simply isn’t enough space around the table to make this safe. The table will be limited to a maximum of 4 people at once, and there will be no food or drinks allowed.

The shop will also have adjusted hours until we move into the green phase. They will be as follows:

  • Sunday & Monday – CLOSED
  • Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday – 12pm-4pm
  • Wednesday – 1pm-6pm (5pm-6pm are reserved for high risk individuals and seniors)
  • Saturday – 11am-2pm

We truly look forward to seeing you and helping you pick out some fun summer projects!